

The iPad: a tool for education and organization. The iPad: a tool for trouble (you all know it’s true)… The iPad has so many different uses that I would be sitting here making blog post after blog post on how it is used instead of my opinion on it. Now, it is only up to how you want to use it. This is my aspect on the iPad: I find the iPad very fun.


To be honest the iPad keeps me quite entertained. Not only are there a million or less games to keep an (almost) teenager or tweenager entertained for years, but it also has so many apps for education like Khan Acandemy. Though it does have educational games it also has very fun and mind-boggling games like the famous and extremely hard Flappy Bird. The iPad opens you up to  a whole new and fresh meaning and perspective of entertainment. It is such a boost to what we had not even ten years ago. The iPad is truly entertaining and so much fun.


Furthermore, the iPad really helps me get my things organized because trust me, I am HORRIBLE at organizing. I have a huge stack of loose papers that I carry around so if you call that organized well, then I do not think you know what “organized” means. You know how people say “there is an app for that….” or “there is an app for organizing” well whoever made that app I just want to say thank you. We have a lot of amazing things we can do to organize. The iPad is great at putting things together and especially helping to get my things in order.


The iPad is a wonderful tool and resourceful tool yet it does have it’s downs. It does have it’s ups though and that is what I chose to write about.  I think the iPad is very entertaining and organizing.

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